
The SHE Center Hypnosis FAQ's

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a relaxed state of mind in which a person may access their subconscious mind for positive change.

Is hypnosis mind control?

No. Hypnosis is commonly portrayed as a form of mind control in fiction, which perpetuates the expectation that a hypnotized person is a controlled person. The reality is the complete opposite.

Is a hypnotized person under the control of the hypnotist?

No. Hypnotized people never suspend their awareness or judgment. When the hypnotist gives a suggestion, the hypnotized person will literally choose to accept or reject it. At no time can the hypnotist force or trick the subject into accepting a suggestion that the subject doesn’t want. Restated, a hypnotized person always can reject any hypnotic suggestion.

What’s involved in a hypnosis session?

Traditional hypnosis involves four steps:
  • Pretalk. The pretalk is the conversation between hypnotist and subject before any hypnosis actually takes place. During the pretalk, the hypnotist explains everything that is about to happen during the session and addresses any questions or concerns they subject might have. The hypnotist and subject also discuss in detail what the subject want to achieve. Only when the hypnotist and subject have agreed on the clear goals of the sessions and the subject feels comfortable about entering a hypnosis, the session moves on. Many hypnotists consider this the most important part of the session.
  • Induction. The induction is the process in which the hypnotist leads the subject into the hypnotic state. Usually hypnotic inductions involve the subject relaxing his body and the relaxing his mind. When the induction is finished, the subject has entered a pleasant, relaxed state of trance.
  • Suggestion-giving. Suggestion-giving is the part of the session when the hypnotist delivers the hypnotic suggestions which the subject wants.

  • Emergence. When all suggestions are given, the hypnotist guides the subject out of hypnosis; this is called the emergence.

Are hypnosis phone sessions effective ?

Hypnosis telephone sessions are just as effective as if you physically visited the office. Rapid change with hypnosis in the privacy of your own home is a convenient option and empowering in the knowledge that you control your environment. Here’s how it works: Please use a telephone with a headset so that your hands are free. Choose an area in your home where you can feel the most comfortable, and where you will be undisturbed for at least one hour and thirty minutes. Please refrain from drinking or eating any caffeinated beverages or food for at least 2 hours before the scheduled session.

Our office will call all domestic clients at their scheduled appointment time so that they do not have to worry about the cost of the telephone call. International clients are responsible for the international calling fees.

Those clients that are not available at the scheduled time will still be charged in full for their session. Clients are responsible for maintaining their call. Our phones are well maintained. We do not offer refunds for calls dropped or lost because of poor connections, low batteries, or any other condition on the client's end. Naturally, we understand that circumstances might arise which would require you to change your appointment. In this case, please call or email within 24 hours of the scheduled session.

What does hypnosis feel like?
Your first hypnotic experience will be pleasurable. While being hypnotized, you and your hypnotist will guide your body into a state of powerful and wonderful relaxation. There is no more effective way for relaxing so deeply.
Once the hypnotic induction is completed, a hypnotized person may be completely aware of the room, may still hear everything going on, and will actively think for yourself. You will choose to listen to the hypnotist and if the hypnotist gives you a suggestion you like, you will choose to accept it.
Returning from hypnosis feels like awaking from a daydream. Because you have been basked in such deep relaxation, you will feel recharged, energized, and feeling great emotionally.

Is hypnosis sleep?

No. Hypnosis and sleep are two different states. In sleep, a person is not aware of their surroundings and rarely make any action. In hypnosis, a person is always aware and in control of all their actions.

Can I get stuck in hypnosis?

No. You can always come out of hypnosis at any time. You are always in control and can never be stuck in hypnosis. Just open your eyes, tell yourself to return to the state you were in before hypnosis which will bring you back out of hypnosis.
What if I cannot be hypnotized?
Everyone can be hypnotized if they are of average intelligence (although the smarter, the better ), choose to follow instructions, and are highly motivated.

Is there a difference between motivational hypnosis and hypnotherapy?
Yes. Motivational hypnosis is hypnosis used for making small but significant changes in lifestyle. Examples of this are using hypnosis to stop smoking, lose weight, become more confident, tap into one’s creativity, and so on.
Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis for ongoing psychological treatment. For example, a clinical therapist treating a patient for substance abuse issues, depression, or emotional problems might want to use hypnosis as a tool to help derive a treatment for that patient. Note that in this scenario, the therapist is a state licensed professional with detailed knowledge of their patient’s lives.
ATTENTION: The SHE Center does NOT practice hypnotherapy. We are HypoCounselors practicing motivational hypnosis, but will be happy to refer you to a licensed professional if you would like to explore options outside the scope of HypnoCounseling.